A case of arson has shed light on the inherent dishonesty of the political Left once again. According to a report on left-stream Phoenix TV last night, a young man who formerly frequented an LGBT youth center in Phoenix tried to burn the place down. The center is run by the One in Ten organization, named after a lie that the Left has perpetuated for more than half a century.
In 1948, the pedophile Alfred Kinsey published a book claiming that 10 percent of American men are homosexual. His dubious “research” was not only slanted, but totally inaccurate, because it was based on prison inmates — not the general population. Kinsey and his team of derelicts reported on the sexuality of children which could only have been done by molesting these poor souls.
Truth comes slowly to the Left and the Left-stream media though. Today the University of Indiana is home to the Kinsey Institute, as if the man was an upstanding citizen.
Furthermore, the LGBT and its truth-challenged media friends still perpetuate the 10-percent lie. The Phoenix group, One in Ten, derives its name from this charade. A more accurate name would be One in 50 because only two percent of Americans are homosexual.
Additionally, in 1993 two homosexual activist/scientists — Simon LeVay and Dean Hamer — purported to have proven that a “gay gene” is what causes homosexuality. The Left-stream media went into hyper-drive over this claim. But the lie was soon exposed. Other researchers without an agenda proved the research hollow, and the activist/scientists had to admit they proved nothing. The New York Times hid its correction on page A19. Nevertheless, many in the Left-stream/fake news are still claiming there is truth to this falsehood.
Then again in 2005, more false media hype about the myth of a “gay gene” appeared on the internet. There is a greater likelihood of Bigfoot’s existence than this.
It’s time for these deluded people to accept the truth. Homosexuality is the result of one’s environment. And many self-avowed homosexuals were molested as children or alienated by abusive, disconnected fathers.
The current debate about transgenderism is also about truth vs. deception. If someone is so confused about whether they are male or female, the loving thing is to help them with counseling if they seek it. Which is in their own best interests. If someone has some psychological confusion about gender, it is not loving to encourage them in their confusion. Many men who had their male genitals snipped were later so distraught that they committed suicide. Others, like Walt Heyer, are now dedicated to shedding light on the truth and encouraging others not to make the same mistake they did.
Of course, for a long time we have seen anyone who disagrees with the LGBT activists to be attacked and destroyed. That’s why those lacking in courage — i.e., the Left-stream media — suck up to LGBT activists to try to stay on their good side and to perpetuate their agenda. It’s all about deceit and cowardice by these who want to bury the truth, to the detriment of suffering individuals.